Your Legion Team

Meet your BRANCH 29 Officers and Executive

President:                                   Leslie Taylor

First Vice-President:                 Trevor Letondre
Second Vice-President:             Larry Finley

Secretary Treasurer:   


Signe Miller - PR, Grants, Bylaws
Lamarr Krauss - House
Tyler Nixon - Service Officer and Honours and Awards
Violet Wert - Ways and Means - Pancake Breakfast
J   Bar ManagerTrevor Letondre 

Sergeant at Arms:  Larry Finley

SportsLarry Finley

Past President: Vern Hickson 

Padre: Rev. Harry Haberstock

Office Staff

Shannon Gill

Bar Staff

Tara Taylor
Phil Mynot
Braeden Latondre


Don Biccum

Royal Canadian Legion Branch 29

PO Box 135
137 11 Ave North Creston BC V0B 1G0
Tel: (250) 428-4252

Branch 29 Committees and Chairs

This area is still under construction 🛠. Please be patient!


Awards and Honours: Chair – Tyler Nixon

            Responsible for coordinating and presenting Awards and Honours on behalf of the legion.

Canteen: Chair   Trevor Letondre

            Responsible for inventory in the canteen, support of bar staff.

Finance:  Chair 

            Responsible for all of the financial processes of the legion including the creation of a budget and a business plan.

House: Chair –  Lamarr Krauss

            Responsible for the ongoing maintenance of the Legion Hall and Canteen


            Responsible for reviewing membership applications and updating membership lists.

Poppy: Chair:  

        Responsible for Poppy Campaign and Remembrance Day Services

Public Relations:  Chair –Signe miller

        Responsible for all Media, Advertising, Facebook, and Website

Sick and Visiting:  Chair  

       Responsible for visiting veterans who are needing support or who are sick.

Sports: Chair – Larry Finley

       Responsible to oversee sporting events in the legion and report to the general meeting.

Ways and Means:  Chair – Leah Letondre

        Responsible for planning fund-raising opportunities, work with the committees to organize events

Sergeant at Arms  Larry Finley

Padre / Service Officer – Harry Haberstock

Ad Hoc Committees:

We also have Ad-hoc committees that serve a specific shorter term for a specific purpose. For example to help set a by-law review, a nomination committee for our elections, a finance committee to help with a budget and business plan...

If you are an active member and interested in serving on one of our committees please contact the Legion.  We value your support!